Break the Ice by L A Cotton

Break the Ice by L A Cotton

Author:L A Cotton [Cotton, L A]
Language: eng
Format: epub




I couldn’t get enough of her.

Aurora—her delicious curves and sweet kisses—were turning out to be my new favorite obsession.

“Noah,” she breathed, gently shoving at my chest. “What are we doing?”

“If you have to ask, shortcake, I must be doing it all wrong.” I dipped my head to steal another kiss, but she dodged my advance.

“Noah, I’m serious,” she whisper-hissed, glancing down the aisle.

“Relax, no one is coming down here.”

“Ella works here, Noah. If someone sees us—”

She had a point. But I wasn’t ready to lose her just yet.

“Go out with me. Tonight.”

“Tonight? Noah…”

“You know you want to, shortcake. There’s something between us—”

She raised a single dark brow and smirked, dropping her gaze to the less-than-obvious bulge in my jeans.

“Not that. Although, I wouldn’t say no if you wanted to give him some attention.”

Aurora’s cheeks turned two shades darker. “You are so bad.”

“You have no idea,” I whispered, leaning in to brush my mouth over the corner of hers. “Say, yes, shortcake. Just say yes.”

A beat passed, the air around us crackling with tension. She wanted to say yes. It was right there in her bewitching eyes.

Cupping Aurora’s face, I touched my head to hers and peppered little kisses over her lips. “Say—”

“Yes, okay,” she answered on a little sigh. “Yes, I’ll go out with you. But don’t make me regret it, Noah.”

She looked like she wanted to say more, but the words never came.


“I can’t. Not tonight. I promised Harper we’d hang out.”

“Fine. Tomorrow, be ready by seven-thirty. I know just the place to take you.”

I was infatuated with her, so desperate to kiss her again that I didn’t hear the footsteps.

But Aurora did.

“Someone’s coming.” She scrambled out from between me and the stacks, smoothing down her hair and the cute as fuck sweater swamping her frame.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean—Noah.”


“Hey, El,” I said, lifting my hand in a small wave.

“What are you doing here?”

“Picking up a book.” I grabbed the first book I could put my hands on and waved it toward her.

“You’re reading Anna Karenina?”

“Yep. I’m a big fan of”—I checked the spine—“Tolstoy.”

“You do know that’s an eight-hundred-page love affair about Russian high society, politics, and religion, right?”

Double fuck.

Aurora smothered a laugh as she peeked over at me.

“I swear you get weirder,” Ella murmured. “Did you find everything you needed, Rory?”

“Yeah. Good thing Noah appeared. I almost fell trying to get the last one down from up there.”

“That is lucky.” Suspicion danced in her eyes as her gaze flicked between us. “Well, I just need to grab a couple of books and get back to the desk. I’ll see you both soon.”

Ella reached around me and grabbed two books, then took off down the aisle.

“Do you think she suspected anything?” Aurora gnawed the end of her thumb, her eyes bouncing between me and the direction Ella went.

“Nope, I think we’re good,” I lied. Because Ella definitely suspected something.

The last thing I wanted was Aurora to worry because I fucked up. But it was like a switch had flipped, and I couldn’t stop thinking about her.


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